User has a verified account.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2021-2022 with the team BROnaldos.
Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Mens Euro Cup Fantasy 2020 with the team Mææh-glerne.
Won a prize in Champions Fantasy 2019-2020.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2019-2020 with the team Simple sigøjnere.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2018 with the team Team G&T.
Ranked top 10% overall in Football Fantasy 2016 with the team Jeg ku' godt ha' en øl....
Won a prize in Football Fantasy 2016.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2015-2016 with the team De Nattergale.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2012 with the team Team 300.