Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2023 with the team Safris Sykelryttere.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2022 with the team Hvem sagde fugl?.
Won a prize in Tour Fantasy 2017.
Ranked top 1% overall in Tour Fantasy 2017 with the team Safris Sykelryttere.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2018 with the team Safris Sykelryttere.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tour Fantasy 2015 with the team Safris syge cykelryttere.
Won second place in Tourspillet 2014, round 15 with the team Kraftwerket Koen de Kort.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2013 with the team Spiser Condorer Froomage?.
Ranked top 1% overall in Tourspillet 2012 with the team Safrinity.