Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2025 with the team Triumferende Barbershopsangere.
Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2024 with the team Brystsyge Kæpheste.
Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2023 with the team Lebron.F.C.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2023 with the team Lebron F.C.
Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2023.
Ranked top 1% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2023 with the team Rutinerede Båthorn.
Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2023 with the team Lebron bukse tyv.
Won a prize in Handball - Mens World Cup 2023.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2021-2022 with the team Lebron FC.
Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2022 with the team Keine Dänen.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2021 with the team Lebron F.C Hård Slitage.
Ranked top 10% overall in Serie A Fantasy Fall 2021 with the team Lebron's Napoli.
Ranked top 10% overall in Bundesliga Fantasy Fall 2021 with the team Lebron F.C .
Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2021.
Ranked top 1% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2021 with the team Lebron - Hård Slitage🦾🦿.
Won second place in Serie A Fantasy Fall 2021, round 7 with the team Lebron's Napoli.
Won third place in Serie A Fantasy Fall 2021, round 6 with the team Lebron F.C.
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Won a prize in La Liga Fantasy Fall 2021.
Won first place in La Liga Fantasy Fall 2021, round 3 with the team Lebron F.C .
Won a prize in Bundesliga Fantasy Fall 2021.
Won a prize in Tourspillet 2021.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2021 with the team Lebron C.H.
Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Mens Euro Cup Fantasy 2020 with the team F.C klamydia.
Won a prize in Giro Fantasy 2021.
Ranked top 10% overall in Giro Fantasy 2021 with the team Lebron .
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2021 with the team Lebron F.C.
Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2021 with the team Lebron. H.C.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2020 with the team LebronF.C.
Ranked top 10% overall in Olympics Handball for Men 2012 with the team Sutskoen.