Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2025.
Ranked top 1% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2024 with the team Revisor Kurt.
Won a prize in Champions Fantasy 2023-2024.
Ranked top 1% overall in Champions Fantasy 2023-2024 with the team Revisor Kurt.
User has a verified account.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2023 with the team Revisor Kurt.
Won a prize in Premier Fantasy Fall 2023.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2022-2023 with the team RevisorKurt.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2023 with the team Revisor Kurt.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2022 with the team 1. F.C. Monberg.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2021-2022 with the team FC Monberg.
Won a prize in Champions Fantasy 2021-2022.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2020 with the team FC Monberg PL.
Ranked top 10% overall in Bundesliga Fantasy Fall 2019 with the team FC Monberg TY.
Ranked top 10% overall in Champions Fantasy 2018-2019 with the team Barbussen FC.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2019 with the team FC Monberg PL-Forår 19.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2018 with the team FC Monberg PL.
Won a prize in Bundesliga Fantasy Fall 2018.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2018 with the team Formidable Banditter.
Ranked top 1% overall in Bundesliga Fantasy Spring 2018 with the team FC Monberg.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2017 with the team Monberg prøver igen.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2017 with the team Monberg Wanderers.
Ranked top 10% overall in Bundes Fantasy Spring 2017 with the team Eintracht Monberg.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2010 with the team SW 6.