Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2025.
Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2024 with the team overblikket er væk.
Ranked top 10% overall in Paris Handball Manager with the team Spil Jessen .
User has a verified account.
Won a prize in Premier Fantasy Fall 2023.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2023 with the team Trinken ist auch Sport.
Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2023 with the team Tonne’s topmave.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2022 with the team Aber scheiss drauf🍺.
Won a prize in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2022.
Ranked top 10% overall in Tokyo Handball Manager with the team Får stress af alt det manager 😂.
Ranked top 1% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2018 with the team Hold nu med det kage febz.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2016 with the team fede febz numero uno🏆.
Won a prize in Premier Fantasy Spring 2016.
Won a prize in Premier Fantasy Fall 2015.
Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2015 with the team Fede Febz vol.?.
Suffered a loss of achievements in the great settlement of '10