
+10 Overall Placement Ranked #9,896 in round 7 of Football Fantasy 2014
+25 Overall Placement Ranked #4,656 in round 15 of Superliga Fantasy Spring 2014
+675 Overall Placement Ranked #26 in round 17 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+50 Round Placement Ranked #37 in round 16 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+25 Overall Placement Ranked #3,553 in round 18 of Superliga Fantasy Fall 2013
+50 Round Placement Ranked #43 in round 14 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+10 Round Placement Ranked #498 in round 17 of Superliga Fantasy Fall 2013
+10 Round Placement Ranked #140 in round 10 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+75 Round Placement Ranked #11 in round 9 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+25 Round Placement Ranked #59 in round 5 of NFL Fantasy 2013 - Regular season
+50 Unknown
+25 Unknown
+10 Unknown
+10 Unknown
+10 Unknown
+10 Unknown
+50 Unknown