
  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Paris Handball Manager with the team Skyyyyyyd.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Mens Euro Cup Fantasy 2024 with the team Købt i sidste øjeblik .

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2024.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2024 with the team Skyyyyyd.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2024.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Womens World Cup 2023.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2023 with the team Grønnes girls.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2023 with the team Kom nu Grønne.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2023 with the team Håber det her hold taber.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2023.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2023 with the team Direkte venstre .

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Mens World Cup 2023.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Mens World Cup Fantasy 2022 with the team Grønnes zumba bold.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Football - Mens World Cup Fantasy 2022.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2022 with the team Grønnes girls.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2022 with the team Grønnes boys.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Womens Euro Cup 2022 with the team Kom så kvinder.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tour Manager 2022 with the team Kom nu godt fra start.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Herre Håndbold Playoffs 2022.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Herre Håndbold Playoffs 2022 with the team Løøøøøøøøøb.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Spring 2022 with the team Grønnes boys.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in La Liga Fantasy Spring 2022 with the team de unge drenge.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2022 with the team Pladsskifte direkte.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2021 with the team Hurtig midte.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Football - Mens Euro Cup Fantasy 2020 with the team Mine Hrvatska drenge.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Mens World Cup 2021.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2021 with the team Kom nu boys.

  • Gold Cup
    Gold Cup

    Won first place in Handball - Mens World Cup 2021, round 8 with the team Hvidovre all star.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in La Liga Fantasy Fall 2020 with the team Grønmanns Atletico drenge.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2020 with the team Grønmanns Liverpool drenge.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2020 with the team Grønmann vinder guld i år.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2020 with the team Godt det blev til noget.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2020 with the team Young Guns frem i livet.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2020 with the team Kom så øst Danmark.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2019 with the team Kom nu i år Liverpool.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2019 with the team Løøøøøøøøøøb.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Giro Manager 2019 with the team Grønmann DT.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Superliga Fantasy Spring 2019 with the team Anfører forbandelse.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2019 with the team Løøøøøøøøøøøb.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2018 with the team Lad os stå godt defensivt.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in NFL Fantasy 2018 - Regular season with the team Løb nu den fucking bold!!.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2018.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Football - Mens World Cup Fantasy 2018 with the team 2 mand på toppen.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Football - Mens World Cup Fantasy 2018.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2018 with the team Skyd nu fra 10 meter.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2018.

  • Bronze Cup
    Bronze Cup

    Won third place in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2018, round 1 with the team 7 mod 6.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in NFL Fantasy 2017 - Regular season with the team Super Witten.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Womens World Cup 2017.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2017 with the team København højre.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Tour Fantasy 2017.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tour Fantasy 2017 with the team Grønmann APS.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Ice Hockey World championship 2017 with the team Kom så Ehlers!!.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2017 with the team Super Rivera.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Fantasy Football 2015.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2016 with the team Kick and rush.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Fantasy Football 2015 with the team Super Zack Martin.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Womens Euro Cup 2016 with the team Super Luzomova.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2016 with the team Spillebold.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Tour Fantasy 2016.

  • Account Verified
    Account Verified

    User has a verified account.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Tour Fantasy 2016.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Tour Fantasy 2016 with the team Angriiiiiiib.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Football Fantasy 2016.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Football Fantasy 2016.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Mens Euro Cup 2016 with the team Presspil.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Womens World Cup 2015.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Fantasy Football 2015 with the team Grünemann DT.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Handball - Womens World Cup 2015.

  • Top 1%
    Top 1%

    Ranked top 1% overall in Handball - Womens World Cup 2015 with the team 3-2-1 og kontra.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Vuelta Manager 2015 with the team Grúnemann DT.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Superliga Fantasy Fall 2015.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tour Manager 2015 with the team Grúnemann DT.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tour Fantasy 2015 with the team Grúnemann DT.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Champions Fantasy 2014-2015.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Fantasy Football 2014 with the team Grúnemann DT.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Tourspillet 2014.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2014 with the team grúnemann DT.

  • Prize Winner
    Prize Winner

    Won a prize in Football Fantasy 2014.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Premier Fantasy Fall 2013 with the team Grünemann DT.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2013 with the team Grünemann DT.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Handball - Mens World Cup 2013 with the team Tællefejl.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2012 with the team Grünemann DT.

  • Top 10%
    Top 10%

    Ranked top 10% overall in Tourspillet 2011 with the team Grünemann DT.