
+75 Overall Placement Ranked #357 in round 17 of Fantasy Football 2015
+25 Round Placement Ranked #51 in round 17 of Fantasy Football 2015
+25 Round Placement Ranked #76 in round 16 of Fantasy Football 2015
+75 Round Placement Ranked #21 in round 15 of Fantasy Football 2015
+25 Round Placement Ranked #60 in round 14 of Fantasy Football 2015
+25 Round Placement Ranked #82 in round 13 of Fantasy Football 2015
+10 Round Placement Ranked #243 in round 11 of Fantasy Football 2015
+10 Round Placement Ranked #104 in round 8 of Fantasy Football 2015
+50 Round Placement Ranked #39 in round 7 of Fantasy Football 2015
+250 Round Placement Ranked #4 in round 6 of Fantasy Football 2015
+125 Round Placement Ranked #7 in round 5 of Fantasy Football 2015
+10 Round Placement Ranked #212 in round 4 of Fantasy Football 2015
+50 Round Placement Ranked #31 in round 3 of Fantasy Football 2015
+50 Round Placement Ranked #29 in round 2 of Fantasy Football 2015
+10 Round Placement Ranked #196 in round 1 of Fantasy Football 2015
+10 Round Placement Ranked #90 in round 2 of Bundes Fantasy Fall 2014
+50 Overall Placement Ranked #2,165 in round 7 of Football Fantasy 2014